Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Korean Plastic Surgery - After Rhinoplasty - April31 Plastic Surgery Clinic

#Straightnose #definednose #malerhinoplasty #mannosejob #afternosesurgery progress. #postop #swelling can be tricky, you see how it looks slim after 1 months but swollen again after 3 months then even more defined after 6 months? Sometimes patience and trust in your doctor is required after a surgery. Complete #deswelling and #recoveryafterrhinoplasty takes place over 6 months generally. :)
#april31 #plasticsurgery #koreanplasticsurgery #beauty #beforeandafter #korea #seoul #gangnam #jaehoonkim #wonsukoh #sungwanpark #doctors #rhinoplasty #models #asianrhinoplasty #blepharoplasty #vline #slimface #breasts #breastsurgery #asians #asiannose #kpop #makeover #cosmetic #osteotomy(April31 Plastic Surgery Clinic에서)
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Dr. Jae Hoon Kim Academic Page :

April31 Plastic Surgery Academic Page :

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